-40 Acre Park.
-Zoned A-1.
-Very scenic, ideal for a single-family home.
-430' Lincoln Road frontage.
-7 Stocked ponds (1/2 acre-1/4 acre-1/2 acre-1/8 acre-1/2 acre-1/4 acre-3/4 acre).
-18 Acres Oak woods.
-3 Acres Mix Trees (Maples/Hackberry/Beech/Alders/White Birch/River Birch).
-2 Acres Norway Spruce.
-1 Acre Larch.
-5 Acres grass.
-2.75 Acres grass terraced hill.
-2 Acres wetlands.
-Oriental garden.
-2 Wells.
*Property taxes around $3,300.00.
*Proof of Funds is required to tour property.