Attractive century old farm with lovely 4 bed colonial home, large post and beam barn, car garage, utility buildings on 6.5 acres of rich soil. Has been in farm family for 100+ years. Currently growing vegetables.
This farm and area are ideal for developing agricultural businesses or animal husbandry: as a tree or shrub nursery/farm, for year round greenhouses growing flowers, plants, and vegetables for wholesale/retail use, for riding stables, boarding horses, or raising livestock. Ideal for regenerative container agriculture business, farm school, or farm stand.
Situated on Rte 6, a major route in southeastern MA with easy access to state highways I95, 195 to Boston, Providence, New York, and all of southern NE. Located one mile east of retail malls with big box stores, chain restaurants, and small businessesideal for attracting business. Traffic volume is greater than 35K per day. Excellent school system. Surrounding area is residential.
We are looking for the right owner for this special small farm. Massachusetts has many resources to assist new farm owners with land costs and development.
We welcome inquiries but serious interest, please. $900K.