Pricing Details:
Cash Price: $34,900
Owner Financed Price: $61,075
$9,162 Down & $917/Month
Inquire with us for alternate financing options
Property Details:
Parcel #: 29-30-02-000000-033200
County: Polk, FL
Parcel Size: 2.01 acres
Location: 0 SHORE DR, LAKE WALES, FL, 33898
Legal Description: N1/2 OF NW1/4 OF SW1/4 OF US GOVT LOT 4
Property Dimensions:322.24 ft x 272.09 ft x 322.24 ft x 272.09 ft
GPS Center Coordinates: 27.907699982709445, -81.39886437493325
GPS Coordinates (4 Corners):
27.908080293802602, -81.39931217981801
27.908072828181943, -81.39831182038748
27.907328667399693, -81.39831371699569
27.907337047617176, -81.39931322952535
Elevation: 73 ft
Access to Property (Dirt or Paved): Dirt rd
Zoning: Agricultural Residential Rural (A/RR)
Terrain: Level
Time limit: 6 months
Tax Amount: $13.97 (2021)
Water: Well (863-534-1448)
Sewer: Septic (863-519-8330)
Power: Yes by Peace River - 863-767-4671