Location: Approximately 8 miles east of Cherokee, TX
Water: This ranch is blessed with approximately 3/4 miles of Cherokee Creek, consisting of springs, one large hole of water reported to be 6 to 8 feet deep in normal times. There are two wells on the ranch m, one furnishes water to the house, and one is near the entrance to the ranch. Underground water is prevalent and easy to get wells in this area.
Wildlife: There is abundant wildlife on the ranch, such as whitetail deer, turkey, and wild hogs. No one has hunted here in the past 3 years. The ranch has close to a 1:1 buck/doe ratio. The turkey roost on the creek in large pecan trees and the hunting is fantastic. Native critters are fox, coyotes, armadillos, racoons, rabbits, doves, and ducks. Fishing is outstanding for large bass and catfish.
Improvements: There is a very nice house/cabin with 2 bedrooms, a loft, 1 bathroom, and a screened in porch. All totaled square footage under the roof is approximately 1548 sq feet. It was built in 2001 and is in great condition. The house sets on the north bank of Cherokee Creek looking at tall rock bluffs. There is an equipment shed to house a tractor and other tools and equipment. Attached to this is an approximately 400 sq ft workshop. For relaxing, there is a small covered area close to the creek that makes a great area for a picnic.
Equipment: Conveyed with the ranch is a Ford tractor with a hydraulic bucket and a shredder, and other equipment used for running and maintaining the ranch.
Minerals: Owner only owns a small portion of the mineral rights, but will convey all he owns.
Access: There is 6.3 miles of county road and 2 miles of a recorded easement to access the property. The roads are in good condition with only 1 gate to open to enter the ranch.
**Note - closing of this sale must take place this year or the property will be removed from the market and NOT sold. A few personal items will be removed but, other than those inconsequential items, the property will be sold as is.