Sendero Creek Ranch is located 10 miles north of San Diego, TX in Duval County.
The ranch has your South Texas brush along with Mesquite trees, Oak Trees, acacia, prickly pear, lotebush, granjeno, white-brush, black-brush, Texas ebony, huisache and wild olive form dense, almost impenetrable thickets. The South Texas Brush Country is well known for producing trophy-class white-tailed deer.
In addition to the native whitetail you will find, feral hogs, javelina, quail, dove and rabbits. Predatory animals include bobcat, fox and coyote. This is a great ranch for someone looking for a weekend getaway or looking to move on and be outside the city limits.
More acreage available at Trailhawk Ranches,com
10 minutes north of San Diego