Pricing Details:
Price: $24,900
Owner Financed Price: $34,238
$5,136 Down & $418Month
Inquire with us for alternate financing options
Property Details:
Parcel #: 00000000-00-4192-0000
County: Washington
Parcel Size: 2.25
Location: Pompey Ave, Vernon, Florida 32462, USA
Legal Description: 2 2 15 2.25 ORB 488 P 2 BEG. NEC OF NW1/4 OF NE1/4,RUN S.500.5', W.266', N.290.5', W. 114', N.210', E.380' TO POB, LESS ORB 1180 P 381.
Property Dimensions: 480 ft x 504 ft x 269 ft x 292 ft
GPS Center Coordinates: 30.6126719, -85.7088388
GPS Coordinates (4 Corners) Approximate:
30.6130506, -85.7092535
30.6136409, -85.7084561
30.6122939, -85.7084273
30.6122777, -85.7092498
Elevation: 46 ft
Access to Property (Dirt or Paved): Paved Rd.
Zoning: Rural Residential/Agricultural
Terrain: Flat
Tax Amount: $232.34 (2024)
Sewer: City Sewer. Please contact Vernon City Water, Sewer & Garbage (850) 535-2444
Water: City Water. Please contact Vernon City Water, Sewer & Garbage (850) 535-2444
Power: Florida Power & Light Company (888) 326-4853 Toll Free
All information provided is best available info provided by the owner. Buyer to verify all necessary information.