Corner Lot! Property Details:
Parcel #: 28-3N-24-0000-0001-0120
County: Nassau, FL
Parcel Size: 4 acres
Location: ROWE RD, HILLIARD, FL 32046
Legal Description: PT OF SE1/4 OF NE1/4 IN OR 1537/1635
Property Dimensions: 339.54 ft x 518.91 ft
GPS Center Coordinates: 30.64813658471331, -81.90366618320442
GPS Coordinates (4 Corners):
30.648815167142267, -81.90428048644206
30.64882599117499, -81.90319863179356
30.647404440310563, -81.90318381644404
30.647399228543666, -81.90425678450147
Elevation: 62.3 feet
Access to Property (Dirt or Paved): Paved
Zoning: OR (Open Rural)
Terrain: Level
Time limit: Good for a 180 days
Tax Amount: 2021 annual tax was $263.97
HOA: Not part of an HOA
Water: Would need to dig a water well
Sewer: Would need to install a septic system
Power: Yes, Okefenokee Rural Electric +19048457477
Rowe Rd at corner of Kings Rd. Hilliard, Fl.