This property ( Lot 134 ) is in the much sought after subdivision of Loma Vista located in between Kerrville and Harper on Ranch Rd 783. This particular lot is right next to the lake that is a constant spring fed lake, the overflow runs into a creek on the lot so there is always water!! There are multiple building sites along with lots of beautiful hardwood trees. You need to come out and visit the lot to get the true apprecation of the beauty.
From Kerrvile take Ranch Rd 783 napprox. 7 miles and the Loma Vista Ranch entrance will be on the left. Gate code is 7200, go through the gate just passed the houseon the left to the stop sign,turn right and follow it until the road makes a sharp 90*bend to the right. There will be a new home on the left, keep going and the next street you can turn right on is a connector St, it will dead end into Shapen Springs turn left and go passed the lake and the property (Lot 134) will be on your right.