Finance $ 150 Down And $ 74.49 A Month for 60 Months At 7.7% Interest With No Credit Check! Your Own Private Acre in Northern California ! Video available At Property. A gorgeous parcel on Sparrow Drive. in Modoc County (Northern California). If you are Looking for a nice, private mountain retreat with some nice Pines this is it ! Nice mix of big and small trees on parcel with some beautiful flowers as well. Sparrow is in the Hill 5 area, this is the most peaceful and private part of the community. If you want peace and solace this is it! There is summer road maintenance to the property provided by California Pines POA. Very close to access to the 2,000,000 Modoc National Forest.
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Property Details:
State: California
County: Modoc
Legal: LOT 87, BLOCK 5, UNIT 5
Address: TBD Sparrow Dr.
Access: Legally Platted Access, Summer Road Maintenance By California Pines POA
California Pines POA: 105.00/Year Includes Campgrounds, Pool, Shower, Ponds, Discounts At Lodge/Restaurant, Events ETC.
Fire Protection: California Pines
Terrain: Minimal Slope
Size: 0.92 Acre (40,075)
Zoning: R-H Residential
Camping: Recreational Camping Is Allowed
Power: Off Grid, Recommend Solar + Batteries
Water: Well Required For Construction of a Residential Dwelling
Sewer: Septic Required For Construction of a Residential Dwelling
Title: Property Will Be Conveyed With No Back Taxes, Liens, Or Encumbrances.
Purchase Options:
Purchase Amount: $ 3,850.00 CASH
OR Landed Ground Financing:
$ 150 Down And $ 74.49 A Month for 60 Months At 7.7% Interest.
Fee Details On Our Financing
Paperwork Fee: $0
Document Fee: $0
Note Servicing Fee: $0
Junk Fee: $0
You Can Read More About Our Financing On Our Website. Ready to get started? Proceed directly to our website by scrolling down to "Seller Website." Have questions? Call or Message Us to talk to a Real Person!
Hurry before someone else gets this great piece of property with such great terms!