Beautifully wooded parcel with a mix of trees, highland and lowland make it perfect for building or hunting. Manton is situated just 15 minutes from Lake City, Cadillac, and Fife Lake. The outdoor recreation opportunities coupled with the tourist attractions make this a prime location. Traverse City is a short drive as well. Access the Manistee River at the Lucas Road Bridge River access with a short 8 minute drive.
Map Coordinates act as an address when put into the address bar of maps:
44.44143, -85.30648
No Land Contract, No Seller Financing
Please check with Bloomfield Twp regarding building questions.
APN: 002-029-011-60
SEC 29 T24N R8W (0*2018) W 544.5 FT OF W 1/2 OF SE 1/4. 33A.SPLIT ON 07/06/2018 FROM 002-029-011-00;
Bloomfield twp
Map Coordinates act as an address when put into the address bar of maps:
44.44143, -85.30648